The World of Sports as a Career
Part 2: Idealists and Rationals
By The College Advisor
Idealists in Sports
- Idealist Teachers tend to move toward the business, sales, news media and the
coaching area of sports. As athletes they are team leaders, conciliators and well-liked.
Passionate hustlers, they need to control their energy, enthusiasm and anxiety when
- Idealist Counselors tend to move toward journalism, therapy, counseling and
medicine. They are the least likely of all types to become professional athletes, but
more likely to write about sports. They are able to develop body harmony and skill if
encouraged to develop motor skills as early as possible.
- Idealist Champions tend to move toward journalism, sales, customer relations,
and sports psychology. As athletes they are energetic acrobats and great visualizers
with a high threshold for pain. They need encouragement and help to regulate their
emotions and energy.
- Idealist Healers are often drawn to sports medicine or physical therapy. As athletes,
they are the smoothly coordinated, quick and passionate. They do best as athletes when
started young and given praise. They need to learn to be less self critical and to
Rationals in Sports
- Rational Fieldmarshals tend to be drawn to any arena where they can show leadership
abilities, whether this is in management, sales, financial planning or coaching. As
athletes, their strength in abstraction and logic can help them outwit their opponents.
The younger they begin both mental and physical training, the better.
- Rational Masterminds are the masters of analysis, and are often found in business,
law, management, and coaching. They methodically build up their skills and mastery in
any occupation they choose. Their motor skills have a strong connection to their
analytic thinking, so they need to start young with physical movement to effectively
integrate this connection. They need to learn to keep their thoughts and tensions in
- Rational Inventors love adventure and change and are drawn to entrepreneurial
aspects of sports or areas to drive the team to new accomplishments such as coaching,
ownership or strategic planning. As athletes, they are found in a wide variety of sports
and are often known for their zany antics and complex game plans. They learn best when
having fun, rather than through precise drilling of techniques.
- Rational Architects are drawn to intellectual pursuits such as mathematics, physics,
and strategic planning which they can apply to sports. As athletes, they are constantly
analyzing, categorizing, and visualizing future contingencies. They gravitate toward
individual sports where they compete against their own goals.